Tip #3: Get Familiar with Masks

Procreate’s powerful mask options provide a way to non-destructively edit a single (or multiple) layers in a given document. Designers and illustrators alike use masks to bring in texture, shadows, highlights, patterns, images, and more.

There are three mask options to choose from in the Procreate application: Alpha Lock, Mask, and Clipping Mask. While the names may appear similar, each mask option has its own unique functions.

Mockup via blackzheep.

To bring up the mask commands, click on the layer’s thumbnail and choose from the three in the dropdown menu. Here’s a rundown of each mask option’s capabilities:

Alpha Lock: This command is conveyed by a gray checkerboard grid, like seen above in the highlighted layer. Alpha Lock gives you the ability to draw within that layer’s shape; this command is ideal for drawing within the shape’s boundaries. While many rely on the Alpha Lock command to apply textures, shadows, and highlights, Alpha Lock is extremely useful to quickly change the layer’s fill colors.


To quickly access Alpha Lock, take two fingers and swipe right on the specified layer. The only disadvantage to alpha lock is that it can eat up your layer count and it often makes the editing process difficult when you need to make some further tweaks to an Alpha Lock layer.


Mask: When applied to a solid shape or line, the Mask command provides a non-destructive way of taking away portions of the shape with brushes. To “erase” from the layer, set the brush color to black; to reveal the original layer, set the brush color to white. The Mask command is a great option for adding textures or refining a layer’s shape.


Clipping Mask: Similar to the Alpha Lock command, Clipping Masks provide a powerful way to manipulate multiple layers non-destructively. It is comparable to clipping masks in Adobe Illustrator because it creates an additional layer for editing purposes. Simply add a new layer with the plus sign icon, then select Clipping Mask to make tweaks to the bottom adjourning layer.


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